Monday, November 18, 2013

Visual Journal Assignment #12

Due: Monday, November 18th

This will be your last visual journal assignment of the term. Since it is the last visual journal assignment for the term, I am giving you the chance to generate your own topic.

You may create a drawing or an illustration of anything you chose. Perhaps you create a drawing in the style of an artist of your choice, or you use a topic you’ve learned about in art this past term to inspire you.

For your assignment you must create a drawing or an illustration on a sheet of paper that uses the whole sheet. You will then write a paragraph describing to me what inspired you in this final visual journal assignment.

This is a chance to not only show me your own style, but also your own sense of creativity. Just like any other visual journal assignment, it is essential that you put in an adequate amount of time and effort.

This must be a new drawing you create this week, and not a drawing or sketch you’ve done in the past.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cool, Crazy Shoes!

Last week the visual journal assignment I assigned asked students to draw the craziest, coolest, most creative pair of shoes they could think of.

I was blown away that three of my sixth graders actually created their "crazy shoes". Check out the awesome designs they came up with below!

Tim made these awesome mustache duct tape shoes that he could actually wear!

Danielle made these fun, whimsical high heels
Hannah's love of art was clear in these artsy sandals

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Visual Journal Assignment #11

 Due: Tuesday, November 12th

The shoes you decide to wear may reflect your personal style, your athletic interest or what mood you may be in that day.

For this visual journal assignment, you will be designing your very own pair of shoes. But these won’t be just any regular pair of shoes. You are to design, the most over the top, crazy, original shoes you can think of.

Perhaps your shoes have a real game-boy in them to show your love of gaming. 

Maybe you create a pair of shoes entirely out of computer hardware or a pair of whimsical, topsy-turvy high heels. 

Think big and over the top!
For your paragraph, you will describe to me what inspired you to create your crazy shoe creation