Monday, March 31, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #2 (term 3)

Due: Monday, April 7th

For this visual journal assignment, you will be designing a post card from a destination of your choice. Postcards usually feature landmarks from the location or images of things the location is well known for.

Your postcard design destination can be somewhere you’ve been in the past or it may be a location you’d like to visit in the future.

 For the postcard design, you need to include the following:

*  Visual elements that come from the destination you’ve chosen. For example you may wish to include Big Ben if you’ve chosen London or the Coliseum if you’ve chosen Rome. You could also include geographical landmarks like Mt. Fuji for Japan or a tropical beach for Jamaica

* The name of your destination written in interesting writing

For your paragraph, you will write to a friend/family member about what you’ve done or would like to do in your destination of choice. For example, if you chose Hawaii, you could talk about how you went to the beach or how you visited lava flows.

Mrs. Walker's postcard design

Mrs. Walker's paragraph describing what Rio would

Monday, March 24, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #1 (Term 3)

Visual Journal Assignment #1
Due: Monday, March 31st

 A skateboard deck is the actual board a skateboard is made of. The flat, long, oval, is made from 7 plys of wood, usually maple, laminated together. Decks are often decorated with graphics from the company that makes them.

Mrs. Walkers's skateboard deck example
For your first visual journal assignment, you will be creating a personal skateboard deck. Imagine that you were hired by a skateboarding company to create a deck that reflects your own personality and style, but also a deck that you could market to the general public.

Your design should be drawn in the shape of an actual deck (long oval) and it should take up an entire page in your sketchbook. If you would like to work on a larger scale, Mrs. Walker has larger drawing paper available.

Remember, even though this deck design reflects your own personal style, it should still look like a well thought out artistic design. Think about how to make a design that works well with the long, oval format of the board shape.

Along with your design you will write a paragraph (at least four sentences) as to how you came up with your deck design and how it reflects who you are as a person.

Welcome Term 3 Students!

It's hard to believe that we're entering our final term of the year! I'm excited to have all of my term 3 students in the classroom.

I think it's going to be a great term filled with creativity and learning. I'm excited to see what all of you produce!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #11

Due: Monday, March 10th

This will be your last visual journal assignment of the term. Since it is the last visual journal assignment for the term, I am giving you the chance to generate your own topic.

You may create a drawing or an illustration of anything you chose. Perhaps you create a drawing in the style of an artist of your choice, or you use a topic you’ve learned about in art this past term to inspire you.
For your assignment you must create a drawing or an illustration on a sheet of paper that uses the whole sheet. You will then write a paragraph describing to me what inspired you in this final visual journal assignment.

This is a chance to not only show me your own style, but also your own sense of creativity. Just like any other visual journal assignment, it is essential that you put in an adequate amount of time and effort.

This must be a new drawing you create this week, and not a drawing or sketch you’ve done in the past.