Monday, September 29, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #4 (Term 1)

Due: Monday, October 6th 

For this visual journal assignment, you will design your own original superhero. Create an illustration of what your superhero would look like (be sure to give them a costume to protect their identity).

Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) to tell me about your superhero. What is their name? Where do they live? How do they improve the well-being of society?

Your superhero can be serious or funny. They can fight crime or do helpful things like teach children to read or feed the hungry. It’s up to you!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Remington Middle School meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I had to share this amazing drawing by Remington's very own Matthew M. He drew a "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" inspired cartoon of some of Remington's staff and students. I think Matthew has a future career as a cartoonist! Keep up the good work, Matty!

8th Grade Printmaking!

My 8th graders have been learning about reductive relief printmaking. I'm also taking a printmaking class at Framingham University, and I've fallen in love with the art form.

The 8th graders are in the middle of their Day of the Dead themed prints. They're looking good so far!
Woodcut in process by Mrs. Walker

7th Grade Portrait Drawings!

My 7th graders have been hard at work, drawing their final portrait drafts. During the unit, the students focused on creating accurate proportions and value in their drawings. Check out some of the in progress shots below. I can't wait to see them all finished!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #3 (Term1)

Due: Monday, September 29th

If you’ve ever watched Cake Boss or Next Great Baker you know that cakes for special occasions can be works of art.

For this assignment, please design a cake for a special occasion of your choice that is over the top and extreme!

Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) to tell me how you came up with your design and how it relates to the occasion it’s meant to be for. Also tell me what flavors your cake and frosting would be. Yum.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #2 (Term 1)

Due: Monday, September 22nd

Imagine you are a movie special effects artist and have been commissioned to create the creature for a big block buster movie.

Design your own “Movie Creature” and create a detailed illustration of what this creature would look like. Give your creature a name and in the paragraph, tell me a little bit about the plot of the film you think this creature would be in.

Your creature can be creepy, whimsical, silly or cute. It’s up to you. It’s YOUR creature and YOUR movie. Your creature and movie must be original. Please don’t copy from a pre-existing creature or film.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #1 (Term 1)

Due: Monday, September 15th

Sometimes, dreams can be flat out weird. For this visual journal assignment, please illustrate (show in pictures) an odd dream you’ve had. Maybe you were flying over a city with Kermit the Frog, or having a lovely dinner with table full of talking cupcakes.

The odder the dream, the better.

For your paragraph (3-5 sentences) please prescribe to me what happened in your dream and why it was so odd. Your paragraph may be typed, or hand written.

Remember to keep all images school appropriate.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Welcome to Art!

Welcome back to Remington! I hope you had a wonderful and restful summer.

I am so excited to start this new school year with all of you! I'm looking forward meeting the new 6th graders and to seeing the 7th and 8th graders again.

During your first art class of the term, I'll explain everything you'll need to know and need to have with you for class.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm nice, I promise.

Let's have a fantastic year together filled with awesome art-making!

Mrs. Walker
"Fezzes Are Cool" water color on paper by Mrs. Walker