Monday, September 28, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 4

Visual Journal Assignment #4
Due:  10/5/15

A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree as others may find it.

What are your pet peeves? Are there things that really bug you that others may not find annoying at all?

For this visual journal assignment, you will create an illustration of a pet peeve of yours. Along with your illustration, you will write a paragraph describing what your pet peeve is and why it bothers you.

Remember, these are general annoyances such as people chewing with their mouths open, or not covering their mouths when they sneeze or cough. They’re not an attack against a single individual.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment #3
Due: 9/28/15

A phobia can be defined as: a persistent fear of an object or situation. For this visual journal assignment, you will illustrate (show in pictures) a fear or phobia you may have. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your fear or phobia, or don’t have any, feel free to make something up.
It can be something you’re afraid of now, or something that may have frightened you as a younger child. It can be a rational fear, or something completely silly.

Along with your illustration, please write a paragraph describing what frightens you and why you find it scary.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No.2

Visual Journal Assignment #2
Due:  9/21/15

Music has the power to move us. It can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or calm and relaxed. We listen to music to remember or to forget.
For this visual journal assignment, think of a song that has personal meaning to you (or a song that you really like). Pick part of the lyrics of that song and illustrate them (show in pictures). It can be a literal illustration of the lyrics or it can be entirely your own interpretation. You may choose to incorporate the lyrics of your song into your illustration.

Along with your illustration, write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) as to why you choose the song lyrics that you did and what that song means to you. Also describe how your illustration relates to the lyrics.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 1

Due:  Tuesday, 9-15-2015

Imagine you are able to start a company of your own choosing. This company can be for anything you choose, a restaurant, clothing line, sporting good supplier, etc. For this visual journal assignment, you are to create a logo to represent your new company.

A logo is a graphic emblem commonly used by commercial businesses, organizations and even individuals to represent and promote public recognition. Logos are either completely graphic (symbols/images) or are composed of the name of the organization as well.

Along with your logo, you will write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) telling me about you company and how you feel your logo represents your company.