Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment #7 (Term 2)

Due: Monday, February 2nd

Imagine that you've been hired by Apple (or some other tech company) to create an app for a smartphone or other device that would be beneficial (helpful) in some way to kids your own age.

What kind of app would you design?

For your assignment, please create an illustration of what your apps logo or icon would look like as it would appear on a device's home-screen. For your paragraph, please tell me what your app's name is, what its features are, and why you think it would be helpful to kids your own age. The app doesn't necessarily have to be academic in nature, but it should serve a helpful purpose.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

8th Grade Printmaking!

8th graders are in the middle of their unit on printmaking. I was lucky enough to take a woodcut printmaking course last term at Framingham University and completely fell in love with the art-form.

Students are creating linocut like prints from a soft material called "soft-kut". Once their design is formed, they print their image on paper with water based ink. Students repeat this process for each different color of the print.

Check out some of the works in progress below, as well as a few time-lapse videos of the students actually printing their images. Cool stuff!

8th Grade and Van Gogh

The 8th grade classes recently finished a project on Van Gogh. Students learned about Van Gogh's life and artistic career, as well as his impasto technique which makes his later paintings so recognizable as being a "Van Gogh".

For the project, students had to create their own interpretation of Van Gogh's most iconic work, Starry Night. Students were asked to pay attention to Starry Night's composition, as well as it's distinct brushwork and use of complementary colors.

Check out some of the great works below!

By Emily V

By Luke D

By Raphaela C

By Sean H

By Shannon G

By Addi M

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment #6 (Term 2)

Due: Monday, January 26th

Artists sometimes combine the features of several animals together to create a totally new creature. Describe and draw such a creature.

You should combine at the minimum the features of three animals. You may combine more if you wish.

 Write a paragraph including the following information:
Your animal’s name (species name), where it lives, what it eats and any special abilities it may have (night vision, super speed?).

-Your visual journal assignments must include artwork and a paragraph (3-5 sentences) of writing.
Each assignment should take up a page in your sketchbook


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment #5

Due: Tuesday, January 20th

You will create a drawing of your “dream room”. If you had an unlimited amount of money to create a room for yourself, what kind of room would you build?

An art studio? A music studio? A gaming room?

Create a detailed illustration of what you envision your “dream room” to look like and write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) to tell me what would be in your room and why you chose this particular “dream room”.

Your illustration can be a top view of your room (as if you were looking down at the room from the ceiling) or drawn as if you were standing in the room.

Monday, January 5, 2015

What's up in 7th grade art?

To start off the term, 7th graders have been working on the art of portraiture. Students began the unit by learning about the history of portraits and how artists can treat the subject of portraiture differently.

Students then created drawings of portraits from photographs as their pre-assessments. Students will redraw these same photographs at the end of the unit after learning more about facial proportions, hopefully showing improvement in their ability to draw faces.

Currently, students are working on learning how to draw each of the main facial features, eyes, noses and mouths.

Check out their progress below!

Check back in a few weeks to see the finished final portraits!

Visual Journal Assignment #4 (Term 2)

Due: Monday, January 12th 
For this visual journal assignment, you will design your own original superhero or villain. Create an illustration of what your superhero or villain would look like (be sure to give them a costume to protect their identity).

Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) to tell me about your superhero or villain. What is their name? Where do they live? How do they improve the well-being of society or wreak havoc on it?

Your superhero/villain can be serious or funny. It’s up toyou! Just make sure they’re an original idea and not a copy of something that’s already been created.