Tuesday, August 20, 2013

New Art Blog!

The end of the summer is quickly approaching. I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful few months off.  School starts a week from today! I look forward to seeing everyone again for another awesome year at Remington.

I've decided to try something new this year by starting a webpage for Remington's art classes. On this blog you'll be able to access your weekly homework assignments, see what's going on in the art room and also see some of my artwork and artists I find inspiring. 

I'd also like to use this site to feature student artwork and showcase hardworking Remington artists who put their all into their artwork.

I'll leave you with some photos of a few pieces of artwork I did over the summer. Enjoy!

This is a watercolor painting I did inspired by a book series I'm reading. Books are a great place to get inspiration for your artwork...and yes, that is a three-eyed crow.
This is a watercolor painting I did for a friend as a birthday gift. It's a portrait of her adorable Boston Terrier,  Chacho.
This is a pencil drawing I did of sloth in a candy forest. What could be more awesome than a sloth holding an ice cream cone in a candy forest?

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