Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Visual Journal Assignment #2

Due: Monday, September 9th

For this visual journal assignment, you will be designing a post card from a destination of your choice. Postcards usually feature landmarks from the location or images of things the location is well known for.

Your postcard design destination can be somewhere you’ve been in the past or it may be a location you’d like to visit in the future.

 For the postcard design, you need to include the following:

*  Visual elements that come from the destination you’ve chosen. For example you may wish to include Big Ben if you’ve chosen London or the Coliseum if you’ve chosen Rome. You could also include geographical landmarks like Mt. Fuji for Japan or a tropical beach for Jamaica

* The name of your destination written in interesting writing

For your paragraph, you will write to a friend/family member about what you’ve done or would like to do in your destination of choice. For example, if you chose Hawaii, you could talk about how you went to the beach or how you visited lava flows.
Miss Goff's postcard design

Miss Goff's paragraph describing what Rio would be like

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