Monday, January 13, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #5

Due: Tuesday, January 21st 

Doodle drawing by Kerby Rosanes
A doodle is an unfocused or unconscious drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.

According to a study published in the scientific journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, doodling can aid a person's memory by expending just enough energy to keep one from daydreaming, which demands a lot of the brain's processing power, as well as from not paying attention

Some artists have even made doodling their style of choice. Artists like Kerby Rosanes have created incredible pieces of artwork in the “doodle” style.

For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating an 8 inch by 8 inch square in your sketchbooks (or on a sheet of drawing) paper. You will fill this entire square in with doodles. Your doodle should take up the entire square, with the images overlapping one another to leave very little empty space.

Your doodle can be drawings of actual things or more abstract. It can be made up entirely of images, or incorporate text as well.

For your paragraph, you will write about the experience you had creating your doodle. Did you find the process enjoyable or difficult? What were you doing while you were doodling? What were you thinking about while you were creating this doodling?

Make sure all of your doodles (images or text) are school appropriate.

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