Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #9 (Term 3)

Due: Monday, June 2nd 

The shoes you decide to wear may reflect your personal style, your athletic interest or what mood you may be in that day.

For this visual journal assignment, you will be designing your very own pair of shoes. But these won’t be just any regular pair of shoes. You are to design, the most over the top, crazy and original shoes you can think of.

Perhaps your shoes have a real game-boy in them to show your love of gaming. 

Maybe you create a pair of shoes entirely out of computer hardware or a pair of whimsical, topsy-turvy high heels. Think big and over the top!

For your paragraph you will describe to me what inspired you to create your crazy shoe creation.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Amazing Masks!

Last week, students had to create a masquerade mask that reflected a nature theme for their visual journal assignments. Students were only required to draw their mask creations, but a few students chose to make actual masks they could wear.

Check out two of the awesome masquerade masks below!
Peacock mask by Sophie L

Bird mask by Alanna H

Monday, May 19, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #8 (Term 3)

Visual Journal Assignment #8
Due: Tuesday, May 27th

In tales of mythology, mythological creatures are often featured. These creatures are sometimes hybrids, combining characteristics of multiple animals into a single creature.

Some hybrid animals of mythology include the Chimera (a lion, snake and a goat) and the Griffin (a lion and an eagle).

For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating an original hybrid creature that you feel could be a part of a mythological story. Your creature must be a hybrid of at least three different animals, but may be more if you’d like. Please don't copy any pre-existing mythological creates. 

For your paragraph, please tell me what the name of your mythological creature is and what animals you used to create it. You will also describe to me what kind of creature they are. Are they good or evil? What specials powers does your creature have?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #7 (Term 3)

Due: Monday, May 19th 

You have been invited to a masquerade ball. A masquerade ball is an event which the participants attend in costume wearing a mask.

For this visual journal assignment, you will be designing the mask that you would wear to this ball. You cannot design just any mask. This particular ball that you have been invited to has a nature theme, so your mask must reflect some aspect of nature.
Your mask could be inspired by flowers or plants found in nature or by the animals that roam our planet.

The masks traditionally worn at masquerade balls are very decorate and ornate. They have open areas for the eyes. They usually have ribbons on the side, so the wearer can tie the mask around their head or a handle attached to one side for the wearer to hold. Please set up your masks in this way.

For your paragraph, you will describe how you came up with the concept for your mask and why you feel like it reflects the “nature” theme well.

Please use the photo examples in this blog post
to help inspire you for your mask design.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #6 (Term 3)

Due: Monday, May 12th 

Kristin Tersek is an artist and illustrator that has a knack for creating cute and yet somewhat odd characters out of everyday objects, like food.

For this visual journal assignment, you are going to create your own “food character” in the style of Kristin Tersek. Kristin often uses her food of choice as the head of the character and then creates a simplified body under it. The eyes are reflective circles, with one larger than the other.

Use the photos of Kristin’s work to help you create your character. Even though you’re creating a drawing inspired by her work, you don’t want to copy any of her images exactly.

For your paragraph, you will write about how you came up with your character design and a little bit about who you envision your character to be. What is your character’s name? What are their likes and dislikes?

You can check out more of Kristin’s work at:

Painting by Kristin Tersek

Painting by Kristin Tersek
Mrs. Walker's character "Mugsy" inspired by the art of Kristin Tersek