Monday, May 19, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #8 (Term 3)

Visual Journal Assignment #8
Due: Tuesday, May 27th

In tales of mythology, mythological creatures are often featured. These creatures are sometimes hybrids, combining characteristics of multiple animals into a single creature.

Some hybrid animals of mythology include the Chimera (a lion, snake and a goat) and the Griffin (a lion and an eagle).

For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating an original hybrid creature that you feel could be a part of a mythological story. Your creature must be a hybrid of at least three different animals, but may be more if you’d like. Please don't copy any pre-existing mythological creates. 

For your paragraph, please tell me what the name of your mythological creature is and what animals you used to create it. You will also describe to me what kind of creature they are. Are they good or evil? What specials powers does your creature have?

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