Friday, February 6, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment #8 (Term 2)

Due: Monday, February 9th 

Gliese 581 g is an extra solar planet, orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, 20.5 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Libra. It is the sixth planet discovered in the Gliese 581 planetary system and the fourth in order of increasing distance from the star.

Studies indicate the planet is situated near the middle of the habitable zone of its parent star, where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold to sustain Earth-like life.

Because of Gliese 581 g's proximity to its parent star, it does not have day and night, meaning that it is permanently light on one half and permanently dark on the other half of its surface.

For this visual journal assignment, you will create an illustration of what you think life on Gliese 581 g would look like. Decide if your “life-form” lives on the “dark side” or the “light side” of the planet and reflect this in your drawing. Also, the gravity of Gliese 581 g is 1.1 to 1.7 times stronger than Earth’s. This may also influence your design.

How would dealing with a lot of gravity affect how your alien’s are formed? How would a creature adapt to living in an environment that’s permanently light? Or permanently dark?

Write a paragraph telling me a little bit about your life form. How was your design influenced by the gravity and the light/dark aspects of the planet. What is the name of this alien species you’ve created.

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