Monday, February 10, 2014

Features, Creatures & Figures Art Show!

All are invited to attend the opening reception of the Features, Creatures & Figures Art Show featuring artwork from Franklin students grades K-12.

The opening will be on Wednesday, February 12th from 4:30-6:30pm in the Franklin High School cafeteria.The artwork will be displayed until March.

Light food and refreshments will be served.

The following students from Remington have had artwork selected to be featured in the show.

6th Grade
Olivia C.
Adam G.
Jack M.

7th Grade
Abby G.
Devin M.
Cassi R.
Kaiden S.
Nick Z.

8th Grade
Felicia G.
Chelsea H.
Maddie H.
Alli R.

Portraits by Abby, Cassi, Kaiden, Devin and Nick

Hand drawings by Olivia, Adam and Jack

Oaxacan animal sculpture by Maddie

Oaxacan animal sculpture by Felicia

Oaxacan animal sculpture by Alli

Oaxacan animal sculpture by Chelsea

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