Monday, February 3, 2014

Visual Journal Assignment #8

Due: Monday, February 10th

In tales of Greek mythology, mythological creature are often featured. These creatures often combine human like features with that of animals.

Common mythological creatures of Greek mythology include (but aren’t limited to):

The Centaur (half human, half horse)
The Minotaur (half human, half bull)
The Satyr (half human, half goat)

For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating an original creature that could be featured in stories of Greek mythology. Your creature should be half human and half another creature. Your creature should have both characteristics of a human and also that of the animal you are combining it with. It should not just look like a regular animal standing on two legs.

Please don’t copy and pre-existing mythological creatures.

The Centaur is half human and half horse
For your paragraph, tell me what the name of your mythological creature is and how you came up with your concept. You will also describe what kind of creature they are. Are they good or evil? Do they have any special powers?

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