Monday, November 9, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 10

Visual Journal Assignment #10
Due:  11/16/15

You have been hired by a playing card company to redesign the face cards of their playing deck.
You will be redesigning the Jack, Queen and King cards in your own personal style. Will they be zombie inspired cards? Will the face cards be replaced by your three favorite singers or three favorite animals?
For your drawings, you will show each card (the Jack, the Queen and the King) drawn individually. Please drawing them in the standard card shape (a rectangle) and be sure to label them as J, Q or K. Check out the photos of the cards below to help you. Also your cards should have a common theme and look as if they belong together.

For your paragraph, you will describe how you came up with your new card concept. Where did you get your inspiration? Do you think your new design would be something that people would want to buy, why?

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