Monday, November 16, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 11

Due: 11/23/15

Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols. A symbol is an object, action or idea that represents something other than itself.
Artists often use symbols in their artwork.  These symbols have deeper meanings than just their outward appearance. For instance, a heart is often a symbol used for love. The color purple can represent things that appear royal or regal.
For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating symbols to represent each member of your immediate family, yourself included.
Think about each member of your family. What images come to mind? Each symbol should be well thought out and executed. Please do not draw pictures of the members of your family; you should be creating symbols that represent them.
Perhaps your Dad loves to cook. A symbol for him could be a chef’s hat and a whisk. Maybe your sister is really into technology and you could symbolize her with pictures of electronics and gadgets.

For your paragraph, you will explain how you came up with each symbol for your family. Don’t forget to include yourself!

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