Monday, November 23, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 12

Due:  11/30/15
A coat of arms is a unique symbol on a shield that is meant to represent and identify a family.
For this visual journal assignment, you will be creating a “Coat of Arms” for yourself. You may base your design on your first name or your last name. The shield should include the following:

*Your name (first or last) written large and in an interesting font;
* Elements that represent yourself;
*A “motto” to describe yourself.
A motto is a phrase meant to summarize the general intention of a person or organization. Maybe if you love art, your motto could be, “Art Above All Else”.
You can take the traditional approach like the coat of arms below, or you can make a shield of your own design.
 If your family already has a coat of arms, please do not copy it. I’d like to see you come up with something original and new.
For your paragraph, please explain why you designed the coat of arms they way you did. What does it symbolize? How does it represent you or your family?

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