Monday, November 2, 2015

Visual Journal Assignment No. 9

Due:  11/9/15

One regular old Monday morning, you drag your sleepy self into Remington Middle School for another day filled with learning. You drowsily walk up to your locker and begin to put in your combination. The lock clicks and you pull your locker door open to find that the normal inside of your locker is gone. In its place is a doorway to another dimension.
For this visual journal assignment you will illustrate what this “new world” you found inside your locker looks like. Is it a world from another planet with aliens and space ships? Is it a world where animals rule the planet and humans are kept as pets? Have fun and be creative!
You will be using a specific format for this visual journal assignment. Your piece of paper should be folded in half vertically, so you’re creating a skinny rectangle. On the outside of the paper you’ll draw the door of your locker. On the inside of the paper, you’ll draw this other “dimension” using the whole sheet of paper.

For your paragraph, describe this other world. What is it like there? What do you see? Would you want to live in this other dimension? 

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